What is Age/ Sun Spot Pigmentation? What is Freckle Pigmentation?

Ever wonder why our skin is so affected by the sun? Did you know that freckles are in your genetics? Today we explore what Sun Spot and Freckle Pigmentation are and what you can and cannot do about it.

What is Age/ Sun Spot Pigmentation?

All hyperpigmentation is a protective response by the skin designed to cover an area of inflammation beneath it. The most common form is sun damage or age spots. These occur anywhere on the body where excessive and repeated sun exposure has occurred. They are the result or chronic wounds along the dermal-epidermal junction. Most commonly found on the face and hands. Whenever we get introduced to sun exposure, our skin feels like it’s being compromised. There is a hormone called alpha MSH which causes singles to our cells to produce pigmentation. Sun damage pigmentation can stay in the deeper layers of our skin for up to 10 years. This is called age spots because as you age you are seeing all the sun damage that you got as a kid rises to the surface of your skin. This is a perfect example of doing things now that your future self will thank you for.

Avoid Sun Exposure over 15 mins  

 Avoiding direct sun exposure is the most important thing for keeping pigment cells from forming. However your body needs vitamin D and the best form of vitamin D is what we get from the sun. Vitamin D plays a huge role acting on every cell in our body. When we are deficient in vitamin D side effects can include acne, anxiety, and depression, to name just a few. Getting 15 minutes of full sun mid day will give you a noticeable benefit to your health, going longer than 15 minutes is when the sun will start to damage DNA and cause inflammation which contributes the excess melanin production you may not want, so if you go longer than 15 minutes wear Zinc Oxide SPF.

Wear a non-toxic SPF sunscreen and apply generously and often. Hats, protective clothing, and staying in the shade are also your best defense.

Wearing a physical block sunscreen like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, these SPF ingredients do not mess your hormones up like chemical-based sunscreens.  

Reduce Exposure to Heat

For years, it was thought that direct UV exposure was the only thing that increased pigmentation. We now know that heat also makes pigmentation worse by increasing the activity of melanocytes. This could be from being outside on a hot day, saunas, steam rooms, exercise (particularly hot yoga). These all increase the skin’s internal temperature. Try to avoid these as much as possible if you’re serious about reducing pigmentation

Circadia’s Bright veil brightener is a must have product for addressing pigmentation. This product tells your body not to make pigmentation.Its inhibits your body from sending messages to the melanocyte to create pigmentation. So if you get too hot, hormones go crazy or you get a little too much sun, your body will not form that unwanted pigmentation. 

What is Freckle Pigmentation?

This pigmentation is a Constitutive which means its a natural pigmentation. You are genetically made with this pigmentation. Freckles are not caused by UV damage or inflammation. You were born with it baby! 

You can never fully get rid of this pigmentation. It’s a part of your genetic makeup. However, you can lighten it up with skincare products. 

It is common for freckles to show up more in the summer and be not as visible in the winter. However, you can lighten it up with skincare products.

This blog is apart of the pigment series. Read the rest of this series by clicking the link below:

Holly is an international award-winning aesthetician and business owner with over 10 years of experience in the aesthetics industry. She was named the 2019 Top International Holistic Esthetician at the Skin Games and has owned BOHO Alternative Med Spa in Allen, TX since 2015. Holly is a wife, mother of five, and a skin fanatic whose personal mission is to help her clients create healthy, glowing skin through alternative methods.

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