The Best Professional Treatments for Pigmentation

When managing your pigmentation, we often recommend and plan that involves both Spa services and at-home products.

How often you get professional treatments will vary from person to person. It’s important to get a consultation with an experienced provider who can tailor your treatment plan. There is no one answer for everyone on how long it takes to get rid of pigmentation, but if you’re diligently treating it at home with a good skin care regimen and with professional treatments, you can expect to have noticeable improvements in 1 month. 

Getting on medical grade products 2- 4 weeks before you get a professional treatment is key! This will pre lighten your skin and break up the pigmentation. Resulting in greater results from your  professional treatment and less treatments needed. 

Chemical Peels

This is my favorite way to treat pigmentation. 

A series of chemical peels ( lactic acid, mandelic acid )can work to break up pigment cells that have risen to the surface. For a stronger treatment, you can inquire about getting a Mid depth peel. Circadia’s Award-winning Madeli Clear Peel which includes salicylic and lactic acids as well as a resorcinol solution to provide deeper exfoliation. It is great for all Fitzpatrick types which is uncommon in the peel world. This is why this peel is award-winning. This peel comes with a week downtime. Peels are not performed in the summer due to heat and the sun causing more pigmentation.  You’re less likely to be exposed to factors that trigger pigmentation. It’s much safer to get peels done in other seasons of the year. 


A collagen induction treatment that is effective in lightening pigmentation. This  is a minimally-invasive skin resurfacing treatment aimed at treating signs of aging and improving the appearance of your face.Over time, our bodies lose the ability to create collagen and elastin, the two components that help keep our skin firm, smooth, and supple. In the microneedling process, the micro-injuries created by microneedling pen  help to activate and release growth factors that lead to the rebuilding of collagen and elastin in the skin. Downtime on this procedure is typically 1-2days of redness. You can not wear make up for 48 hours.

If you pair micro-needling with LED ( My go-to is LightStim LED Pain Panel)  it will accelerate your healing time and gives your body a jump start in making collagen. If you can get LED done right after micro-needling, you can wear makeup in 24 hours after micro-needling. To learn more learn more about micro-needling go to

No-Heat Laser

Many people have excellent success in removing unwanted pigment with laser treatments since they can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin where melasma is formed.I’ve seen great results with using the  sciton laser. I do not personally work with lasers. I have seen great results, however, I get just as good results with chemical peels and microneedling for lightening pigmentation without having to pay the high price point on laser treatments. You’ll want to consult with a skin professional about which one is best suited for your skin

This blog is apart of the pigment series. Read the rest of this series by clicking the link below:

Holly is an international award-winning aesthetician and business owner with over 10 years of experience in the aesthetics industry. She was named the 2019 Top International Holistic Esthetician at the Skin Games and has owned BOHO Alternative Med Spa in Allen, TX since 2015. Holly is a wife, mother of five, and a skin fanatic whose personal mission is to help her clients create healthy, glowing skin through alternative methods.

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